A dedicated web side hosting is an Internet hosting service through which you rent an entire server in a data center and you have full control over it. What Can Dedicated Web Site Hosting Offer You? Dedicated web site hosting is a good option if you do not have the resources to keep a server inside your company. You might not have the money to buy a server or the time and trained staff to maintain it.
With dedicated web site hosting you rent a server in a data center and you have full access over the operating system, you can partition the space to suit your needs and install other software packages if you find it necessary. Other advantages include large bandwidth, large storage space, high security and high connectivity. The dedicated web site hosting provider is responsible with maintaining the server equipment and the connectivity. They should take care that the hardware components work properly and sort out any hardware problems that might occur.
How To Choose a Dedicated Web Site Hosting It's important to choose a dedicated web site hosting provider that allows you to choose the hardware components, operating system and applications that suit your needs best. You also have to be able to make future upgrades, such as larger bandwidth, faster processor and more storage space easily and for a moderate price in case the needs change. If you don't have the qualified staff to administrate the server, you should probably look for a dedicated web site hosting provider that offers administrating services as well.
They should also offer 24/7 technical support, as well as consulting services. Price Range A dedicated web site hosting service can cost from $100 to over $1000 a month. The price depends on the management services that they provide. If you don't have the resources to manage the server, you should pay for their technical assistance. You might find some providers that offer dedicated web site hosting services for less than $100, but you would probably have to manage the server yourself with little or no support from them. Top Dedicated Web Site Hosting Services Hostway Corp Hostway Corp is a leading dedicated web site hosting provider that has been in business for several years.
They provide flexible web hosting packages that respond to a large variety of needs, such as Dedicated Server Web Hosting, Ecommerce and Business Web Hosting. Value Web Value Web is a top dedicated web site hosting provider which has been awarded Editor's Choice in PC Magazine, as well as ranked A with the Better Business Bureau. The hosting packages feature Microsoft FrontPage extensions, AddWeb site promotion tools, Urchin graphical web statistics and Macromedia design software.
They provide a wide range of hosting packages to respond to their customers' needs. HostMySite Also a leader in dedicated web site hosting, HostMySite offers a high level of technical support, by e-mail, chat and phone. Their hosting packages include collocation services and managed dedicated server hosting. If you have a growing online business, a dedicated server is definitely the right choice. It provides you with the flexibility given by your own server, without the responsibility of maintaining it by yourself